2015-09-23_17.47.30A meeting, co-organised by the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission (DG DEVCO B5) on the 9th December, brought together more than 60 Counter Terrorism (CT) and development experts to examine different ways of monitoring and evaluating CT capacity-building effectiveness, with a focus on human rights due diligence, monitoring, evaluation and measuring impact.

Capacity building in CT is delivered by a wide variety of actors, bilateral and multilateral; it can take many different forms, but due to their sensitive nature, most of the activities involved are not highly visible. However, this leads to a fragmented approach in terms of assistance to third countries. The pressure for a more effective and efficient use of public funds in the security field has heretofore been less significant than in other areas, such as in the development field, for example, but in principle, CT activities should be undertaken with the same level of accountability. The meeting therefore sought to explore whether lessons learned from past CT interventions and from the development field in terms of better monitoring, evaluation and measuring impact could be considered for future interventions in the CT context.

Download the report of the meeting here: Report – Towards More Effective Capacity Building for CT – 9 December

June 29 @ 09:00
09:00 — 18:00 (9h)