On March 14, 2024, the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department and the Office of the Representative on the Freedom of the Media (RFoM) held an expert meeting in The Hague, Netherlands, in cooperation with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), focusing on the challenges and opportunities of using artificial intelligence (AI) in preventing and countering violent extremism and terrorism. Participants discussed issues like the misuse of AI by extremists, the importance of human rights compliance, and tackling bias in AI algorithms. They emphasized the potential for AI to aid counter-terrorism efforts while recognizing its potential for misuse. The meeting highlighted the need for AI literacy, youth inclusion, and gender awareness in counter-terrorism strategies. The insights and recommendations from the meeting will shape the OSCE’s work on AI’s role in preventing and countering violent extremism and terrorism, prioritizing media and information literacy. The OSCE also collaborates with the RFoM and works on developing e-learning courses to enhance media and information literacy in this context.

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Published on 02.04.2024

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